Marketing Lessons I Learned From TV Shows

Wild guess: you’re probably watching a lot more (streaming) TV these days than ever before. Some may say that those endless hours of television viewing are a bit of a time suck. Maybe so. I subscribe to the saying, “if you learned something, it’s not a waste of time.” It got me thinking about what lessons I’ve learned from all these shows we’ve been binging during quarantine. These three marketing lessons stood out.

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3 Things Mamahood is Teaching Me About Content Marketing

Mamahood is one wild ride. And one and a half years in, I’m learning a lot about myself, about what it takes to keep a tiny human happy and thriving, how to balance family life and work life… and (surprisingly) a lesson or two (or three) about content marketing. The first lesson? You can only plan so much: be nimble for the unpredictable.

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A Game of Chess and a Lesson in Content Strategy

So I bought this snazzy new chess set. But here’s the thing: I’m no chess prodigy. One day, my hubby and I played a game of chess on a whim. We had no clue about the difference between a pawn, rook, knight, queen and the like – the key motivations and tactical moves of each piece on the board. It got me thinking about content strategy and how it can level up your game for your brand or business.

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