Michelle MacPherson | Maven & Mention
Strategic and creative thinker, with a zest for storytelling, a love of branding and community building

Hello! I’m Michelle MacPherson. The m&m of Maven & Mention. A passionate marketing, communications and PR professional with 20 years of global industry experience, I have a sharp focus on developing compelling marketing strategies, storytelling through meaningful content, nurturing an authentic social media presence and shaping memorable brand experiences.

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My favourite storytelling projects that I like to hang my hat on? That time when we were trending on Twitter and generated buzz to lead to our first sold-out event in the brand's history. That time when a sea of thousands of (branded) cowboy hats filled a huge auditorium south of the border. That time when CNN Global Challenges featured that collaborative story about innovative education technology making a difference in classrooms. That time when I landed that high-profile, prime-time TV product placement and script inclusion on CSI (true story!). That time when my travel photography was showcased in enRoute's Top 5 Travel Photos of the Year. That time when I started a healthy food and lifestyle blog while training for my first half-marathon.

How community building plays a big part in my life? I live local. I love my #yyc community. I’ve had the privilege to collaborate with some amazing, like-minded folks and pursue volunteer work and community-building over the years with marquee organizations and local events. To name a few: TEDxYYC, International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Calgary, National Music Centre, Terry Fox Run Calgary, Free the Children WE Day Alberta, Start from Scratch culinary initiative, ISU World Figure Skating Championships and the Calgary Food Bank.

A little bit more about me? I’m an avid foodie (yes, I’m that gal who likes to Instagram photos of what I’m eating for dinner), and outdoor enthusiast (snowshoeing by winter, hiking by summer), supporter of the arts (bookworm, Broadway fanatic and movie buff) and adventure seeker (travelled to more than 30 countries – and counting!).

I believe in doing what you love and learning every day.
Let’s chat.